Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
136. KC Johnson: What the Hell Just Happened with Title IX?!

136. KC Johnson: What the Hell Just Happened with Title IX?!

The Biden Administration dropped its new college guidelines. We brought on the Title IX expert to explain. Is due process doomed? Let's find out!
Duke Lacrosse Team, 2006

Title IX started as a modest part of the Education Amendments of 1972; it was the part that prohibited sex-based discrimination in education programs. In the 50+ years since, it’s become shorthand for many things: Women in sports, a sexual reckoning, a cultural over-correction, a legal shitshow. What no one ever seems to ask is: Why are colleges adjudicating sexual matters between students anyway?

Our guest KC Johnson, a tenured professor at Brooklyn College, began his Title IX education back in 2006, when the Duke lacrosse team was accused of rape. The case became a national scandal, pulling in faculty, administration, lawyers, and the government, with the accused students at the center, though they were eventually exonerated. It’s a case Nancy and Sarah discussed way back in episode 10 (“Fabulists!”), and one Johnson spent years investigating and eventually co-authored a book about.

Since then, Johnson has become the go-to guy on this topic. Who better to explain the new Title IX guidelines from Biden? Don’t forget: Biden is the original crusader behind Title IX’s more recent iteration as a way to address campus sexual assault.

Also discussed: A preference for extralegal remedies, which president first tagged colleges with adjudicating sexual assault (it wasn’t Obama), whether Biden is trying to make up for Anita Hill, whether LBJ or Ladybird wore the pants in the family — and more!

Lots of great/unsettling links in the episode notes.

REMINDER: SEND LETTERS! Got questions? We have answers.


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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
Journalistas Nancy Rommelmann and Sarah Hepola on what's burning through the culture right now. Flirtatious banter for serious times.