God damn this is beautiful writing, and something—as a happily married man of seven years with no kids and two cats—I think about more and more. I’m really glad I subscribed to this podcast. Cheers from Cape Town.

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Gah, that particular Hitchens quote gets me every time. If I'm not mistaken...he was in Dallas in that clip (debating at Prestonwood Church). It always makes me feel less alone, as did this piece. So thank you.

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OMG that's wild, I had no idea! How cool, thank you for telling me. -- SH

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Sarah Hepola, that is a beautiful piece. I admire your courage, your honesty and vulnerability, and your unique talent in putting it out there in such a poignant manner. ❤️

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Your writing has a way of dislodging all the pain I'm holding in and lets me feel what needs to be felt - thank you Sarah.

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Great essays like this one are worth repeating. Thank you.

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