Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
On (Not) Being Afraid

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On (Not) Being Afraid

Stories from the slipstream between life and death

Nancy here. What day is it? Tuesday? We mark time differently in the alongside-life: the book you finished and the one you started; the deciding whether you can risk an overnight away; the crocheting of a baby blanket alongside someone who may or may not be dying, yes it’s all weird.

But not scary. Or not this time.

Also discussed:

  • Beautiful sky-creatures taking my dad up in a hovercraft

  • A young woman stupid enough to sleep in a luggage compartment (that would be me)

  • Talking our way out of maybe getting shot in a St. Louis punk club

  • Women watch true crime because, why?

  • Wait, you’re not afraid of mold?

Plus, Kobe Bryant makes a visitation, Stephen King buys his wife a hair dryer, and the only time (well, two) I can remember truly being afraid, when she was not much older than this.

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Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em Podcast
Journalistas Nancy Rommelmann and Sarah Hepola on what's burning through the culture right now. Flirtatious banter for serious times.