Beyonce in a cowboy hat is Sarah’s favorite Beyonce.
Sunday is the Grammys, a glittering night of Beyonce vs. Adele vs. some rando we’ve never heard of, but the awards show has music on our minds. Today’s open thread: What was your favorite song/artist from 2022? We’ll go first (both at once): Harry Styles’ “As It Was.”
REMINDER: Paid subscribers can join us tomorrow, Sunday 2/5, for a Zoom hang at 5pm PT / 8pm ET. Sarah will be live-responding to the Grammys, and Nancy will probably be baking some pie, but we’re looking forward to chatting about the wild world with our favorite subscribers. We’ll send out a link day-of.
Showing my age here (49) but a lot of popular music now just baffles me so I mostly listen to the older stuff and talk radio. But my 18 year old son has picked up guitar in the last few years and has great musical taste, in my opinion. Two that he introduced me to in 2022, the Lumineers and Matt Maeson, really stand out. Matt Maeson's Hallucinogenics is a brilliant song. Go have a listen.
Nothing really catches me of the nominated, although Harry is beautiful to look at. I did hear something new that I liked “spitting off the edge of the world” by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs ... I’ll be at the movies at 5 so I’ll miss that fun Zoom.. watching Knock at the Cabin. I heard it was filmed by my hometown.
Hoisting my Karen flag high here but I’m going to say Taylor Swift Midnights. I really wish she’d mature lyrically (John Mayer has probably suffered enough by now, yes?). But that woman can still write an earworm. And the vibe is pretty chill too. I support her world domination as a feisty chick and my cynical 15 year old daughter still likes her. So there.
I hope you don’t mind my going off topic, as musically I am stuck in the 80’s and 90’s... I urgently needed to beg Sarah to take a MILF Manor break and check out Gwen Shamblin: Starving for Salvation on Lifetime. Jennifer Grey stars, and she is BRILLIANT in the role. I had to share. Enjoy the Grammy’s everyone. I hope to be able to attend the zoom later.
I feel old and dumb, but since I don't listen to radio I don't encounter "new" tracks very often. I find myself Shazzaming ads and that leads me to some recent releases but I just don't "keep up" in the way I did when I worked in places that were pumping out top 40 (or alternative) radio all the time.
The only band whose new releases I would automatically buy was REM and now they've retired.
My 20-year old son introduced me to the brilliant Jacob Collier. (I didn't see the Grammys, but he was nominated in the "Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals" category.) He's amazing. Here are three examples. (The first one is mind-blowing and hilarious. It's the first one my son showed me.)
Showing my age here (49) but a lot of popular music now just baffles me so I mostly listen to the older stuff and talk radio. But my 18 year old son has picked up guitar in the last few years and has great musical taste, in my opinion. Two that he introduced me to in 2022, the Lumineers and Matt Maeson, really stand out. Matt Maeson's Hallucinogenics is a brilliant song. Go have a listen.
The old Lumineers from the early 00’s or is this a new group? I LOVE these guys if that’s who you mean…
Nothing really catches me of the nominated, although Harry is beautiful to look at. I did hear something new that I liked “spitting off the edge of the world” by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs ... I’ll be at the movies at 5 so I’ll miss that fun Zoom.. watching Knock at the Cabin. I heard it was filmed by my hometown.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs new album is amazing! Highly recommended.
Also, how was Knock at the Cabin? I loved the book by Paul Tremblay (The Cabin at the End of the World.)
And that dovetails nicely with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. 😁
Book was better but I enjoyed the movie followed the book well!
I’m going to need Sarah to fact check this ASAP.
I've seen pickles for sale at the movie theater, but even I think it's weird. It's true, though! -- SH
LIZZO!! Everything about this woman is just amazing- cool, different, talented and a total baddie!!
Hoisting my Karen flag high here but I’m going to say Taylor Swift Midnights. I really wish she’d mature lyrically (John Mayer has probably suffered enough by now, yes?). But that woman can still write an earworm. And the vibe is pretty chill too. I support her world domination as a feisty chick and my cynical 15 year old daughter still likes her. So there.
I hope you don’t mind my going off topic, as musically I am stuck in the 80’s and 90’s... I urgently needed to beg Sarah to take a MILF Manor break and check out Gwen Shamblin: Starving for Salvation on Lifetime. Jennifer Grey stars, and she is BRILLIANT in the role. I had to share. Enjoy the Grammy’s everyone. I hope to be able to attend the zoom later.
I feel old and dumb, but since I don't listen to radio I don't encounter "new" tracks very often. I find myself Shazzaming ads and that leads me to some recent releases but I just don't "keep up" in the way I did when I worked in places that were pumping out top 40 (or alternative) radio all the time.
The only band whose new releases I would automatically buy was REM and now they've retired.
My 20-year old son introduced me to the brilliant Jacob Collier. (I didn't see the Grammys, but he was nominated in the "Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals" category.) He's amazing. Here are three examples. (The first one is mind-blowing and hilarious. It's the first one my son showed me.)